
Motobatt Batttery

Friday, February 4, 2011

Sales-Oriented & Communications Objectives!

Communication Objective:

This HTC ad is informative and the objective is to create awareness and interest in the brand as it advertises on TV to reach the 90 percent of target audiences. The objective here is communication as it shows the features and benefits of the HTC.

The communication objective is very important here because they want to educate viewers of what this phone can do and what is unique about it. Smart phones are pretty much everywhere nowadays. Consumers might just think it’s like any other smart phones if they don't create awareness to show the features and benefits of the HTC. Also, it might not generate enough interest or set it apart from other smart phones.

Sales-Oriented Objective:

This Xyience commercial has a sales-oriented objective because it is directed at the consumer with active lifestyle and saying that if they want to be fit and stay fit, they need to get Xyience to achieve that. They connect the energy drink with weight loss to entice consumers to want to purchase the product. As we all know the weight loss industry is a growing industry because improving self-image is the most important priority for this image conscious society.

The sales-oriented objective is appropriate for this ad because they want to create positive feeling about this brand by promoting that this drink will give the consumer energy, fat loss, and lean muscle mass so that consumers will go out and buy it if they are serious about it. They refer consumers to their Web site for more information as a way to show case more of their products and they hope viewers will go online and place the order after viewing this commercial. They also tied this commercial to boxers so their target market must be extreme athletes who train hard, or those with or desire that kind of lifestyle.

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